The Pantry

The Pantry was ahead of its time. They had a phone at the table before having a phone at the table was cool. You could call in your order right from your seat! Just dial up the kitchen and order a Tuna and Cheese Frenchee, fries, and a salad with extra Thousand Island dressing. Whether you hit it up after a Broncos game, or on the weekends for breakfast, this place had a special place in many of our hearts.

Take a moment and close your eyes. Picture the hazy, smoke-filled dining room, sun beaming in on the wood paneling, as the smell of cigarettes, coffee, bacon and syrup swirl through your nostrils. Deep breath in… and now think about the last time you ate a tuna melt as you slowly breath back out. As you ease back into your work day tell yourself “things could always be worse”…

The parking lot they built in its place is beautiful if you get a chance to check it out. While you are there you will notice the Pantry sign still stands there at Shoreline and Americana.

With thoughts of scooped cottage cheese and canned pear slices,


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