Brass Lamp Pizza

I hope this email finds you and yours snuggled up together enjoying the warmth of each other's love and the joy of the holiday season. (I hope you read that with the proper amount of snark and sarcasm, sprinkled with a fair amount of sincerity.) I really do hope that for you, but if you are like me, you are tired. Tired of the spirit days at your child’s school—that has them in a fit of psychotic rage over not having the right PJs for pajama day. Or tired of people asking your kid what they asked Santa to bring them for Christmas—and they keep saying “a Nintendo Switch” but that’s in fact NOT what Santa is bringing them. Or, tired of every cashier at every store asking “Are you ready for Christmas?” Obviously not, because I haven’t even gotten around to properly brushing my hair for the day and I’m buying ice cream and tater tots at dinner time… Christmas comes if you are ready or not, even if you’ve been good or not. So basically, whatever. Do you! Your kids will find something to complain about no matter what you do.

Ok, Brass Lamp Pizza… Man, If I had a nickel for every newsletter I wrote about something I didn’t know anything about I’d probably be close to a dollar by now. If I had had to interview for this position I never would have been hired… This is why I have been self employed most of my adult life. I can basically just putter around and make it up as I go and NO PERFORMANCE REVIEWS.

Remember last week when I knew basically zero about the Lunch Box? Well I got this nice email in response and wanted to share:

“Hey Heidi, my name is Caden Lauritsen. My wife just showed me a picture of the new sticker that you created of the Lunch Box. It literally brought a tears to my eyes. My parents built that in the late 80s. It was originally grey in color and it had red straps and silver buckles. The milk carton was white with the Dairy Gold logo from back in the day on it, that was the freezer for the restaurant. It was all hand painted. We had 3-50 gallon trash cans that were also painted like sodas, a Coca-Cola, Sprite, and a Dr. Pepper. The restaurant was on Chinden near where the Carpet Plus is located. The whole building was constructed in panels and it was designed like a walk in box fridge so it could be built quick and taken down quick. My mom and dad sold it to Rudy and he changed the colors of the building and had mini golf set up in the back to attract business. He only owned it for a few years and in ‘94 he went belly up. My parents got out of the food business for about a decade and then decided to build a food stand called Native Taters. It was across the street from Big Juds. We sold in 2011 after my dad passed away. That is the story of the Lunch Box.”

Boom! There you go! That’s legit. Thanks Caden! Let’s see if anyone sends me info on Brass Lamp Pizza! I’ll share what I find out.

Merry Christmas and see ya next year,


Boise Y2K


Lunch Box