Kuna Caves

Kuna Caves! I have visited Kuna Caves at all stages of my life so far. As a child with my parents and siblings, as a dumb teenager with my dumb friends, and now as a parent with my own kids. The experience each time was much the same. Drive super far, get lost, miss the turn off, find the turn off, bottom out on the super sketchy dirt/mud road, get annoyed when you get there and see other people are there, climb down the ladder while acting like you are cool with ladders, look around at all the cans, glass and graffiti, go as far as you can without having to crawl and then go home with the feeling that you are an adventurous spelunker. If you haven’t been, you must go. Just don’t tell your kids there’s no wifi down there...

We are offering 2 options for our beautifully designed Kuna Caves sticker:
“The Butthole of Idaho” or for those of you who find that distasteful we have “Shattered Glass, Shotgun Shells and Broken Dreams.” You really can’t go wrong either way.

Go out and explore, or don’t.



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