Drug Free with Boise OG

“Enough is Enough.” Who remembers when motivational speaker Milton Creagh came to speak to students in 1999 at the Pavilion? Kind of a scared straight presentation. I was a sophomore at Boise HIgh School at the time. Drugs weren’t on my radar back then as I was really into scrapbooking and being Mormon. The worst thing I put in my body those days was a Milky Way coffee from Moxie Java to impress a boy. It was good, but not worth the fear of eternal damnation I felt, also the boy didn’t care. While I didn’t need Mr. Creagh’s advice, I did enjoy the field trip and the free “Enough is Enough” bracelet.

My brother Kelly, on the other hand, didn’t run so much with the “High on Jesus” crowd like myself. He was more of a “blame the smell, and small mattress fire in his room on incense” kind of teenager. I’m sure he took a serious look at his life that day... We are not here to make light of drugs or addiction. Just giving some cred to Boise Schools and City of Boise for their efforts in keeping us from frying our brains like an egg.

Hugs not Drugs — Heidi

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