Boise Foothills Mud Wrestling Club

Happy Holidays to all of you! I hope the season is treating you right. There is so much to do around the valley. From Christmas light gazing to... actually I can't really think of anything else that's really Boise specific... sorry. But I'll tell you one thing that you should definitely not do, that is go out and frolic on the foothill trails. I think if you are reading this there is a good chance you are familiar with how mud is made. If not, I'm sure there is a YouTube video out there for you to get caught up. Basically, mud and bikes/dogs/people don't mix. That is unless you are looking to get down and dirty with a little mud wrestling. The mud wrestling team is not quite up and running yet. But I'm willing to bet that if you go out on the trails thinking this rule doesn't apply to you, you will be beaten to the ground by a "foothills trail etiquette enforcer" hiding behind sagebrush. And at that point the wrestling will begin!!! Please send us the video or photos.


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