Fat Kevin

Our next guest needs no introduction, please welcome Fat Kevin! Ok, maybe for those who don’t live in the North End or follow local squirrel news a little introduction would be helpful.

Fat Kevin resides with his rescuer/rehabber/mom/roommate at the Somerset Condos in the North End. Fat Kevin is partially paralyzed in his back ankles but that doesn’t keep him from squirreling around. He has access to safety and shelter as well as freedom to roam the outdoors. He gained his popularity when his rescue mom put out a post on NextDoor and Facebook to make neighbors aware of Fat Kevin. She wanted people to know if they saw him not to worry or call animal control but instead to just wave a friendly “hello.” Many fell in love with the adorable little critter. Goody's Soda Fountain & Candy Store on 13th even created a special “Fat Kevin Sundae” to celebrate him.

I have actually rehabbed a few squirrels over the past year or two. Shout-out to Chad and Brad!!! So, when I heard about Fat Kevin I just knew we had to make him a design. Not only because squirrels are a big part of the Boise experience but also so we could raise a little money to help those who help our squirrels. Fat Kevin requested that $1 from each sticker we sell, for the first month, will be donated to Eastgate Vet Clinic for squirrel and wildlife emergency vet bills. To learn more about helping squirrels, like Fat Kevin, or other wildlife in our beloved home of Boise please check out Instagram @squirrelschoolrescue.

Fat Kevin’s rescuer has the following to say about him:
“He is literally the best/worst roommate ever. He attacks my ponytail thinking it's another squirrel, steals fresh fruit off the counter only to take one bite, and then throws the rest at the dog. He bites the toes off of wild squirrels that stand on top of his cage outside, he pees on me constantly, picks fights with my dogs and ferrets, chews up anything he can get his teeth into, including me occasionally, and is, in general, an absolute terror. That being said, I can't adequately put into words just how much I love this monster. His naughty moments are far outweighed by his moments of genuine sweetness and adorableness. He lives in my bedroom when it's cold and wakes me up in the morning by burying pecans under my pillow.”

#boise #northend #fatkevin #squirrels #boisestickers




Boise Inversions