Hillcrest Bowling
You don’t need me to tell you about the health benefits of bowling… The last thing I want to do is insult your intelligence. Because, duh, bowling… Remember how hard it used to be to find a place to go bowling? Like it was always league night? Ugghhhh! The SUB at BSU was usually your best bet, but there was always a waiting list and the college kids would look at you weird.
Boise has a rich bowling history. Before Pinz and Big Als there was Hillcrest and Westgate Lanes, and even up until a few years ago, 20th Century Lanes, RIP. I’m sure there were many others before that, but you’ll need to do your own research. If you are itching for that vintage feel you can still check out Westy's Garden and Emerald Lanes. Go get your cosmic bowling on!
You may not know this about me, but I’m a bit of a bowler myself. Actually... not really, but I did take a bowling class at college. I wasn’t very good. I averaged between 70 and 100, but it's pretty hit and miss. One day in my psychology class, right before bowling, we had to watch “The Miracle of Birth.” I have never seen anything so horrifying in my entire life. It messed me up bad. I bowled a 4 that day… I really let myself and my team down.
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